Here I lay my beliefs - thoughts that originate in my mind, thoughts that don't necessarily have any relation to truth or reality, but nonetheless constitute the path of reason leading to understanding.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Love her...
Love her the way she likes being loved, and she will love you the way she likes loving you.
Its quite alright for me to love her the way she wants to be loved, but it may not be quite alright for me to be loved back the way she wants to love back -- there's the fallacy :)
That fallacy is what I am talking about too :) People are usually prepared to deliver what they expect from others, but the other person's expectations may be entirely different. The (suboptimal but working) solution is to cut down on expectations.
:)) You guys must be having a ball in CA. Yes, 'her' can be swapped with 'him'. These days anyhow differences between sexes are disappearing fast - with biological breakthroughs; women wearing anything and everything a man wears, and sometimes vice versa - the other day I saw in Marshalls something they call a 'thong' for men, somebody must buy those... can't imagine who though; these days you don't need a man and a woman to produce a child, merely a sperm and an egg; and of course the likes of you two in (of all places) CALIFORNIA - with Joy high on ecstacy and Baski reading juicy articles on :))
Its quite alright for me to love her the way she wants to be loved, but it may not be quite alright for me to be loved back the way she wants to love back -- there's the fallacy :)
That fallacy is what I am talking about too :) People are usually prepared to deliver what they expect from others, but the other person's expectations may be entirely different. The (suboptimal but working) solution is to cut down on expectations.
didn't see your comment before, so here's my belated repartee...
"expectation reduces joy in life" -- baski
"fulfilment of expectations allows ecstasy in life" -- yours truly
comes down how much and what you are willing to risk for your expectation's sake :)
"Having no expectations paves way to eternal(perpetual) bliss" -- Baski, ofcourse
I like Arnab's quote, with no offense intended to the fairer sex. Without Loss Of Generality, it could hold good with "him" too.
One comment on this particular posting that I cannot resist making is that the title looks so much like a Rediff headline :).
You guys must be having a ball in CA. Yes, 'her' can be swapped with 'him'. These days anyhow differences between sexes are disappearing fast - with biological breakthroughs; women wearing anything and everything a man wears, and sometimes vice versa - the other day I saw in Marshalls something they call a 'thong' for men, somebody must buy those... can't imagine who though; these days you don't need a man and a woman to produce a child, merely a sperm and an egg; and of course the likes of you two in (of all places) CALIFORNIA - with Joy high on ecstacy and Baski reading juicy articles on :))
Love her the way she likes being loved and she'll do as she damned well pleases (slight modification of Murphy's Law)
"Expectation 'w|H|w' and Uncertainty (Del x * Del p) are the joys of life" - Guess who?
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